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  1.W:The professor's voice is so soft that I can't hear the end of this sentences.

  M:It's because the traffic outside cancels the effect of the microphone.

  Q:What seems to be bothering the students?

  2.M:What did Mary think of the dance last weekend?

  W:She hasn't been around this week.

  Q:What does the woman mean?

  3.M:Hello,this is Mr Williams.My heater is not getting power and the temperature is going down and down.

  Could you come over and fix it?

  W:OK.I'll send our man there sometime this afternoon.

  Q:Who has Mr Williams called to come over?

  4.W:Do we have enough time for the 7:40 train if we get off right away?

  M:No,it's too late.It's impossible for us to get to the railway station in 20 minutes.

  Q:What time is it now?

  5.W:I hear the mayor is planning a tax reduction.

  M:Yes,it was one of his campaign promises and he's seriously trying to make it a reality.

  Q:What will happen to taxes if the mayor succeeds?

  6.W:I think the hostess really made every effort to see that the guests got the food and drinks they wanted.

  M:Yes,but we would have had a better time at the party if we had known some of the other guests.

  Q:What can we conclude from the conversation?

  7.W:There are two new students in your class,aren't there?

  M:Yes,they are Henry and Jack.Henry is from Australia.

  He is a football star.Jack is from Brazil.He likes to go to the cinema occasionally and go fishing a lot.

  Q:What is Jack's hobby?

  8.W:What happened to you? You look so happy?

  M:I found out from my adviser that the graduate school where I'm going to apply has done away with the review test.

  Q:What do we learn from this conversation?

  9.M:Can I borrow your car for the weekend,sister?

  W:It's out of the question.

  Q:What does the woman's response mean?

  10.W:Look at those beautiful parrots over there.I think you can teach them to talk.

  M:Yes,but look at the price tag on them.I'd rather have a pigeon instead.

  Q:Where did this conversation take place?

  Section B

  Passage One

  Human beings are never satisfied.They have always wanted things to be easier,faster,more comfortable or more convenient.Human history is the history of inventions.An invention is something totally original,something that nobody else has thought of.It may be something physical,like a new machine,or it may be a new way of doing something,like the reorganization of production methods in a factory.The earliset inventions,like boats and weapons,were simple but effective ways of meeting basic need and were developed independently by people in different parts of the world who needed to travel or to hunt.Modern inventions are more technical and more specialised.If you come up with an original idea,the first thing to do is to register your invention at the Patent Office.It will be given a special number,which acts as a guarantee against anyone else stealing your idea.

  Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  11.Why are human beings never satisfied?

  12.What inventions are mentioned in this passage?

  13.Which of the following is true about modern inventions?

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