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  Section A

  11. [A] She loves walking to work.

  [B] She has to save money for her journey.

  [C] She doesn't like the company she worked with.

  [D] It took her too much time to go to work.

  12. [A] Edward will certainly be here on time.

  [B] Nobody will be here on time.

  [C] He is not sure whether Edward will be here on time.

  [D] Maybe Edward will be here on time.

  13. [A] She was using the wrong paint.

  [B] She has run out of paintbrushes.

  [C] She doesn't feel like going to class.

  [D] She has dropped out of art and is now in dmp3a.

  14. [A] The woman should lose 10 pounds.

  [B] The woman should gain 5 pounds.

  [C] The woman should not worry.

  [D] The woman should buy some new clothes.

  15. [A] Forty yuan. [B] Thirty yuan.

  [C] Thirty-five yuan. [D] Forty-five yuan.

  16. [A] He'll definitely go.

  [B] He'll probably not to go since he is busy.

  [C] He'll not regret missing a chance like that.

  [D] He'll probably not to go since he is not interested.

  17. [A] At the man's house.[B] In a restaurant.

  [C] In a grocer's.[D] In a hotel.

  18. [A] The man could not wait to see Susan.

  [B] Susan is eager to pass the infomp3ation she knows.

  [C] Susan talks to people only on the phone.

  [D] The man always knows the latest news in town.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] That the library opens at 8:00.

  [B] That no one else has read the articles.

  [C] That none of the material he needs is available.

  [D] That reserve materials can be taken out of the library.

  20. [A] He is not cooperative.

  [B] He will be in his office all afternoon.

  [C] He has not read any of the articles himself.

  [D] He already brought in extra copies of the articles.

  21. [A] Return early the next day.

  [B] Photocopy the articles he needs.

  [C] Ask professor Grand for a copy of the articles.

  [D] Wait until the girl has finished with her articles.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] The election for senator. [B] The election for treasurer.

  [C] The election for secretary. [D] The election for president.

  23. [A] They are competing against each other in an election.

  [B] The man is writing the woman's speech.

  [C] The man is interviewing the woman.

  [D] The woman is planning the man's campaign.

  24. [A] Make posters. [B] Write a speech.

  [C] Answer questions. [D] Study chemistry.

  25. [A] Compare their lectures. [B] Review the man's talk.

  [C] Prepare questions to ask candidates. [D] Vote in the school election.

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