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  Historically, humans get serious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them. 62 that logic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. With the memory of 9/11 still 63 in their minds, Americans watched hurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on 64 TV. Anyone who didn't know it before should have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made 65 worse by our willful blindness to risk as much as our 66 to work together before everything goes to hell.

  Granted, some amount of delusion(错觉)is probably part of the 67 condition. In A.D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by an earthquake, and the locals immediately went to work 68, in the same spot-until they were buried altogether by a volcano eruption 16 years later. But a 69 of the past year in disaster history suggests that modern Americans are particularly bad at 70 themselves from guaranteed threats. We know more than we 71 did about the dangers we face. But it turns 72 that in times of crisis, our greatest enemy is 73 the storm, the quake or the 74 itself. More often it is ourselves.

  B 62. A) To B) By C) On D) For



  A 63. A) fresh B) obvious C) apparent D) evident

  词义辨析。考生初看本题以为考察的是obvious, apparent, evident的词义辨析,三个词都表示明显的意思,但是根据文章的意思,此处应该是表示记忆犹新的意思,因此只有一个fresh表示的是新鲜。

  C 64. A) visual B) vivid C) live D) lively


  D 65. A) little B) less C) more D) much


  A 66. A) reluctance B) rejection C) denial D) decline

  词义辨析。Reluctance不情愿,rejection拒绝 denial否定 decline 拒绝。本题一看也仿佛是辨析BCD三个表示否定的词义。但是通过分析这个复杂句我们看到了前面的一个关键词willful blindness. 这个词组近年来在欧美属于流行词汇,频繁的出现在各大媒体中。他的英文解释是Willful blindness is a term used in law to describe a situation in which an individual seeks to avoid civil or criminal liability for a wrongful act by intentionally putting himself in a position where he will be unaware of facts.中文解释简单来说就是"装傻"。而复杂句可以翻译成,因为人们都在装傻事情变得更糟糕,除非真的死到临头了,否则人们都会尽最大可能不合作。而这里用reluctance,正好和前面的willful成反义词对应。

  D 67. A) natural B) social C) world D) human

  词义辨析。与其说这个是考察词义辨析,不如说是在超越大学生的理解能力考察一个固定搭配human condition.看到这个搭配,学生的瞬间逻辑推理是人为因素,但是实际该词组表示人的生存条件的意思。

  C 68. A) revising B) refining C) rebuilding D) retrieving


  A 69. A) review B) reminder C) concept D) prospect


  C 70. A) preparing B) protesting C) protecting D) prevailing

  固定搭配。 protect sb. from sth 保护某人免受某事。Prepare准备,protest抗议,prevail流行,成功。

  B 71. A) never B) ever C) then D) before


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