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这是一种开放性很强的题型,难度较大,答案灵活多样;主要考查考生对总体对话的理解和把握,对篇章的理解能力、判断推测能力以及灵活运用所学语言进行初步交际的能力。 (吉林省中考卷,保留原题号)

根据对话内容,在空白处填写适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个词), 使对话完整并正确。

(Sam isn’t well. He has a bad headache. He goes to see his doctor.)

Sam: I would like to see Dr. Brown, please.

Nurse:   The doctor will see you soon.

Sam: Good morning, Dr. Brown.

Dr. Brown: Good morning, Sam. What’s wrong, Sam?


Dr. Brown: Did you have breakfast?


Dr. Brown: I see. Let me check you. Say“Aaah”.

Sam: Aaah…

Dr. Brown: Well, it’s a bad cold. It’s necessary for you to take some Chinese medicine.

Sam: Do you have any quicker ways?

Dr. Brown: Yes. You can get an injection.

Sam: Oh, no!  I prefer to take medicine.

Dr. Brown: Take the medicine twice a day and have more water. Stay at home for two days and have a good rest.

Sam: thank you, Dr. Brown. I’ll do as you say.

【解题分析】这是一段有关看病的对话,贴近学生生活,符合中学生的心理特征,不仅考查了有关看病话题的语言知识,同时还考查了考生用所学语言进行初步交际的能力。61空可填Take a seat,please. / Sit down, please. / Have a seat. / Wait a minute. / Just a minute(moment) / Sorry, he is busy now. / Just a second. / A moment, please. 62空可填I have (got) a bad (terrible) headache. / I have a pain in my head. / I feel pain in my head. / I feel painful in my head. / My head hurts badly. 63空可填 I didn’t (don’t) feel like eating anything. / I didn’t have anything. / I had nothing. / I didn’t. / I didn’t (don’t) want to eat anything. / I really wanted (want) to eat nothing. / Nothing. 64空可填To get an injection is (a little / a bit ) painful. / I don’t want to get it (an injection) / I don’t like it. / I’m afraid of it (pain / that) / It’s terrible. / I’m afraid to get (take) an injection. 65空可填 You’ll feel (get / be) (much) better soon. / I hope (I’m sure) you’ll feel (get / be) much better (well) soon.此类型题的答案不唯一,只要符合语境就行。


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