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Directions 11
Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the two pictures,
2. give the reasons of such a phenomenon, and
3. list possible solutions.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.

In the first picture, two persons are talking loudly in the library as if they were the only persons there. In the second picture, a man is talking happily on the phone in the cinema, while a film is on. From these two pictures, we come across such people who are so selfish as to always think of themselves instead of others on the one hand, and who are so bold as to defy those rules and regulations on the other hand.
Why do they behave in this way? On the one hand, they are brought up in such a way as to take their own interests into consideration whenever anything arises. This may not be the original purpose of parents and teachers, but this is largely the result of today’s education. Children learn from what adults do, not what they say. Years of teaching in class and family may tell them how to do, but hours of reallife practice may be more influential. On the other hand, they are brought up in such a way as not to take rules and regulations seriously. In their belief, rules and regulations only restrain those silly people, and the violation of them can be both exciting and admirable.
To solve this problem, all of us have a long way to go. First, teachers and parents should act in such a way to teach young children to always take others into consideration whenever they take action. Second, the authorities should severely punish anyone who violates rules and regulations. To protect the rights of more people, such punishment is more than necessary. 

第一段先用两句话描述两幅图画,而后用一句话做总结,用on the one hand和on the other hand将问题的两个方面清晰地表达了出来。
第二段的首句没有使用传统的表示原因的模板句,如The reasons for this phenomenon are twofold / threefold.而是用了一个设问句,使行文显得生动活泼。之后分两个方面来说明为何他们会自私和不遵守规则。


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