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一. 要求

1. 很好地完成了试题规定的任务:包含所有内容要点;使用丰富的语法结构和词汇;语言自然流畅,语法错误极少;有效地采用了多种衔接手段,文字连贯,层次清晰。字数:160—200词。

2. 段落数:一般为三段。

3. 评分标准:总体评分法,分档记分。




8—5分: 内容基本切题,基本包括题中所列各项要求;语句可以理解,但有较多的句子结构和用词错误。文章长度基本符合要求。

4—1分: 基本按要求写作,但只有少数句子可以理解。

0分: 文不对题,语句混乱,无法理解。

4. 评分要实事求是,严肃认真,不可不加区别地只给中间一两种分数。避免集中趋势。

5. 例:2003年作文判例

Study the set of drawings carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning, and

2) point out its implications in our life.

Example 1

It goes without saying that the drawings aim at revealing a common and serious problem in China: how to educate and cultivate the young. Let’s take a closer look at the drawings. In an ideal condition, the flower blooms. But when moved out of the green house, it perishes under the rain and storm. It is obvious that the flower in greenhouse can’t withstand wind and rains.

Nowadays the young generation in China, like the flower in the greenhouse, live under the full protection from their parents. Parents want to show all their love to their children. They give their children all the best things they can afford and do not let their children do anything at home. Self-centeredness and arbitrariness have become a trait of the young generation. Once leaving their parents, many young people cannot make a living of their own. They get lost when stepping into the complex reality and cannot face any hardships and difficulties.

Children education has become one of the most popular topics discussed not only by education experts, but also by people in all walks of life. The failure of children education does more harm to the development of our society and our civilization than to children themselves. Thus, it’s high time that parents, educators and the government made concerted efforts to put an end to this situation. (225 words; 67/ 92/ 66)

Example 2

As depicted in the pictures, the flower in green house cannot stand for the severe storms and maybe dead in the near future. What does the author really want to tell us? In my opinion, the real implication of the author is that everyone has to meet difficulties in their life experiences, so we have to make adequate preparations for them.

There is no denying that a majority of young people, especially who are endowed by their rich parents, take their happiness for granted. I’m fully convinced that they may inevitably suffer from failure in their future. For the simple reason is that they like the flowers in green house. Therefore, it is necessary for those parents to take some measures to control this trend which may lead to their children’s failure. The best way to solve this problem I think is to give young people opportunities to do things independently. Only in this way can young people confront with difficulties and deal with them easily.

As far as I am concerned, I am greatly in favor of the idea that encouraging young generation practice in hard environments. Because young people can benefit a lot from their own experiences in hard times and earn enough confidence to face their future challenges. (211 words; 61/ 105/ 45)

Example 3

As we can see from the first picture, there is a flower in a greenhouse which is blooming and growing well while it is raining and thundering outside. But in the second picture, the greenhouse is removed. This time, the flower cannot stand in the heavy rain. Compared the two pictures we can conclude that the flowers in a greenhouse are too weak to bear the worse outsetting.

These pictures describe a common social phenomena in China today that children are taken care of and protected by their parents and grand- parents so well that they cannot even do anything themselves. When children are young, some reasonable protection and care are acceptable because they still have not the ability to live and do things on themselves. But when children grow up, it is better to let them handle thing on their own. On the other hand, as children grow up, their parents become old too, and it will be children’s turn to take care of their parents. We cannot imagine a society full of adults having the ability like seven-year-old children. It is harmful to the social development.

Chinese parents should give their children more opportunities to deal with things themselves, push them to uncomfortable environments to some extent, make them dure some trouble, and so on, all of these will benefit their growing. Only through these, they can take on greater responsibilities and have more abilities to fulfill themselves and serve the country and society when they grow up. (251 words; 68/ 120/ 62)

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