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  I hand been sitting by myself in my usual compartment for at least ten minutes,waiting __31__. The trains from Littlebury never seemed to start __32__ and I often thought that I could have __33__ in bed a little longer or had __34__ cup of tea before __35__. Suddenly I heard someone shouting __36__ the platform outside. A young girl was running towards the train. The man __37__ put out his hand to stop her but she ran past him and opened the door of my compartment. Then the whistle blew and the train started.

  “I nearly missed it,__38__?”the girl said.“How long does it take to __39_ London?”“It depends on the __40__.” I said. “Some days it‘s __41__ others.”

  “I‘ll have to have my watch mended,__42__ late again tomorrow,”she said. “It’s my first day __43__ with a new firm today and they told me that the man __44__ is very strict. I __45__ him yet so I don‘t know __46__ but he sounds a bit frightening.”

  She talked about her new job __47__ the way to London and before long,I realized that she was going to work for my firm. My __48__ secretary had just left so I must be her new boss. __49__ only fair to tell her.

  “Oh,dear,”she said. “__50__ mistake!I wish I had known.”

  “Never mind,”I said. “At least you‘ll know when your train’s late that mine will be,too.”

  ( )31.A. the train to start

  B.for the train start

  C.the train‘s start

  D.for the train to start

  ( )32.A. on their hour

  B. on time

  C. at their hour

  D. at time

  ( )33.A. lain

  B. laid

  C. lied

  D. lay

  ( )34.A. other

  B. some other

  C. another

  D. one other

  ( )35.A. I had left the home

  B. leave from home

  C. leaving home

  D. to leave home

  ( )36.A. at

  B. by

  C. in

  D. on

  ( )37.A. at place

  B. on duty

  C. for control

  D. in post

  ( )38.A. haven‘t I

  B. don‘t I

  C. wasn‘t I

  D. didn‘t I

  ( )39.A. get to

  B. arrive to

  C. reach to

  D. make to

  ( )40.A. driver to the engine

  B. driver engine

  C. engineer‘s driver

  D. engine driver

  ( )41.A. far slower that

  B. much slower than

  C. a lot more slow than

  D. a great deal more slow that

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