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  27. The majority of university professors prefer the traditional way of lecturing in the belief that ______.

  A) it draws the close attention of the students

  B) it conforms in a way to the design of the Creator

  C) it presents course content in a scientific and objective manner

  D) it helps students to comprehend abstract theories more easily

  28. What the author recommends in this passage is that ______.

  A) college education should be improved through radical measures

  B) more freedom of choice should be given to students in their studies

  C) traditional college lectures should be replaced by dramatized performances

  D) interaction should be encouraged in the process of teaching

  29. By saying “They seemed ‘a priesthood, rather uneven in their merits but uniform in their bearing…’” (Lines 3-4, Para.4), the author means that ______.

  A) professors are a group of professionals that differ in their academic ability but behave in the same way

  B) professors are like priests wearing the same kind of black gown but having different roles to play

  C) there is no fundamental difference between professors and priests though they differ in their merits

  D) professors at the University of Pennsylvania used to wear black suits which made them look like priests

  30. Whose teaching method is particularly commended by the author?

  A) Ezekiel Cheever’s.

  B) Alfred North Whitehead’s.

  C) Cotton Mather’s.

  D) Patricia Nelson Limerick’s.

  Passage Three

  Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

  Take the case of public education alone. The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. This has been caused by the advance of the legal age for going into industry and the impossibility of finding a job even when the legal age has been reached. In view of the technological improvements in the last few years, business will require in the future proportionately fewer workers than ever before. The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained. If we cannot put our children to work, we must put them in school.

  We may also be quite confident that the present trend toward a shorter day and a shorter week will be maintained. We have developed and shall continue to have a new leisure class. Already the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide that has swept over them since the depression began. They will be little better off when it is over. Their support must come from the taxpayer.

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