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  A study made by the American Psychological Association, Commission on Violence and Youth showed, in a study made in Seattle in 1993, that 6% of males in the 11th grade had at least once brought a handgun to school. More than 1 in 20 had brought a handgun to school, in other words the prevalence of guns across the schools is nothing less than a common sight. How does that affect the rest of us? Parents might just get the news from police officers that their son or daughter had become victim to a stray bullet while attending history class.

  The lawmakers in the United States are addressing the problem by putting up metal detectors in schools. In the case of metal detectors, officials have realized that preventing the possession of firearms inside the boundary of the school is necessary for the safety of the students and teachers. This is a temporary solution to ever-growing problem. The risk of a student or a teacher getting shot inside the school property has probably been reduced, which is positive. But the fact remains that outside of the school property the risk of being victimized is growing every year.

  In order for these types of events not to occur legislators and other professionals are emphasizing precautionary actions of the gun owners and most of the time a ban on guns isn’t mentioned. "Why I should be denied the same right my father and grandfather had?" Because times have changed, guns are not solely created and used for hunting anymore, and with today’s technology, in the form of automatic guns and high impact ammunition, guns have become deadlier, which leaves a greater responsibility on the owners. Are people ready for that responsibility?

  1. Nowadays it is the armed citizens who are responsible for the overall social safety.

  2. The legislation should forbid individual citizens to have guns because it is relatively less detrimental.

  3. According to the second Amendment of the Constitution, American citizens have the right to bear arms and to use them whenever they want.

  4. It can be told from the statistics that for each American family there is approximately one gun.

  5. The Jonesboro shooting case demonstrates that if guns are kept in a household, kids would probably ________________________________.

  6. It is improper for a child to own a gun because they are not _____________________.

  7. _______ white teenage boys die from firearm attack _________ from natural causes.

  8. The fact that more than a twentieth of the 11th grade students have brought a gun to school means that guns are actually ____________________.

  9. Although lawmakers addressed the problem by using metal detectors within the school, It is still highly possible to ____________ out of school.

  10. The reason why today’s individuals should not be allowed to keep guns is that guns are no longer used for _________ alone.

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