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Life Is a Test. It Is Only a Test

  One of my favorite posters1 says, “ Life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do.” Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom2, it reminds me to not take my life so seriously.

  When you look at life and its many challenges as a test, or series of tests, you begin to see each issue you face as an opportunity to grow, a chance to discover more about life. Whether you're being bombarded(攻击;质问) with problems,responsibilities,even insurmountable(不能克服的,不能超越的) difficulties, when looked at as a test, you always have a chance to succeed, in the sense of rising above that which is challenging you. If, on the other hand, you see each new issue you face as a serious battle that must be won in order to survive, you're probably in for a very rocky6 journey. The only time you're likely to be happy is when everything is working out just right. And we all know how often that happens.

  As an experiment, see if you can apply this idea to something you are forced to deal with. Perhaps you have much pressure from your parents or you have a demanding7 boss. See if you can redefine the issue you face from being a “ problem” to being a test. Rather than8 struggling with your issue, see if there is something you can learn from it. Ask yourself, “ Why is this an issue in my life? What would it mean and what would be involved to rise above it? Could I possibly look at this issue any differently? Can I see it as a test of some kind?”

  If you give this strategy a try you may be surprised at your changed responses. It has become far more acceptable to me to accept things as they are.

  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage above.

  1.According to the passage,what is the author's attitude towards life?
  A.He takes his life seriously.
  B.He considers life as test.
  C.He knows where to go and what to do.
  B.He thinks life is full of humorous wisdom.

  2.When you begin to consider life as a test,you will find _____.
  A.you are bombarded with problems and responsibilities
  B.the result of the test is so good that you are delighted
  C.you have many opportunities to grow
  D.you have to go to school to take tests everyday

  3.Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the author?
  A.When you look at life as a test,you have a chance to overcome problems you face.
  B.When you take life seriously,you are more likely to succeed and become happy.
  C.When you see each problem as a serious battle,you have more chance to survive.
  D.When everything is working out just right,you can know how often it happens.

  4.It is implied from the passage that you'd better look at life as a test when_____.
  A.you try to get the meaning of the poster
  B.your parents give you much pressure
  C.you are carrying out an experiment
  D.you are in a rocky journey

  5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?
  A.My Favorite Poster
  B.Take Life Seriously、
  C.Face Challenge of Life
  D.Life Is Only A Test




  demanding adj.过分要求的,苛求的

  *To be a CEO of a big company is a real demanding job. 当大公司的执行总裁真的是一件费力的工作。


  1.Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do. 本句用了虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反。句中省略了连词if。在书面语中条件从句可以不用连词if,只须将谓语中的过去式had移至主语之前即可。

  2.Whether you're being bombarded with (problems,responsibilities,even insurmountable difficulties), when looked at as a test, you always have a chance to succeed, in the sense of rising above that [which is challenging you].本句的主干是you always have a chance to succeed。whether和when分别引导让步和时间状语从句。注意looked在此处是一个省略用法,相当于they are looked。方括号里的从句是that的定语。句中“in the sense of”表示“从某种意义上来说(你总有机会成功)”。



  2.选C。本题为主要细节正误题。第二段第一句说“you begin to see each issue you face as an opportunity to grow”,选项C与其意思一致。

  3.选A。本题为文章细节正误题。第二段第二句“……in the sense of rising above that which is challenging you”中的“rise above”与A选项中的“overcome”相呼应。

  4.选D。本题为主要细节正误题。A选项与题干无关;B选项过于牵强;C选项在文中并无相应论述;从第三段第二句“Perhaps you have much pressure from your parents……”可知,D选项正确


  生活是个测验 仅仅是个测验









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