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  Studies of birds may offer unique insights into sleep.Jerome M.Siegel of the UCLA says he wonders if birds’ half?brain sleep“is just the tip of the iceberg(冰山)”.He speculates that more examples may turn up when we take a closer look at other species.

  Q:By “just the tip of the iceberg”(Line 2,Para.8),Siegel suggests that.

  A)half?brain sleep has something to do with icy weather

  B)the mystery of half?brain sleep is close to being solved

  C)most birds living in cold regions tend to be half sleepers

  D)half?brain sleep is a phenomenon that could exist among other species

  答案为D)。根据引号内容很快找到原文相关部分,其后的内容必是对该问的解释。第二句中说加州大学洛杉矶分校的Ferome M.Siegel推测鸟类的半脑睡眠现象只是冰山露出来的一角。第三句说如果我们对其他物种作进一步认真仔细的观察,可能会发现更多的例证,所以D正确。因此考生只要理解第二句、第三句的意思即可选出正确答案。



  In fact, the average compensation benefit in America has climbed from 55 percent of the states; average weekly wages in 1972 to 97 percent today.But, as most studies show, every 10 percent increase in compensation benefits results in a 5 percent increase in the numbers of workers who file for claims.And with so much more money floating in the workers’ compensation system, it’s not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a large slice of the growing pie.

  Q: After 1972 workers’ compensation insurance in the U.S became more favorable to workers so that .

  A) the poverty level for a family of four went up drastically

  B) more money was allocated to their compensation system

  C) there were fewer legal barriers when they filed for claims

  D) the number of workers suing for damages increased

  答案为D)。根据题干中的“after 1972”可马上判断出线索在最后一段。这一段的大意是说自1972年后,越来越多的人因工伤索赔而获益,所以越来越多的人就进行索赔,那么也就有医生和律师也来分一杯羹。尤其第二句话提到:索赔获益每增加10个百分点,进行索赔的工人人数就增加了5个百分点,与D)一致。



  No woman can be too rich or too thin.This saying often attributed to the late Duchess(公爵夫人) of Windsor embodies much of the odd spirit of our times.Being thin is deemed as such a virtue.(2002年6月第26题)

  Q:In the eyes of the author,an odd phenomenon nowadays is that.

  A) the Duchess of Windor is regarded as a woman of virtue

  B) looking slim is a symbol of having a large fortune

  C) being thin is viewed as a much desired quality

  D) religious people are not necessarily virtuous

  答案为C)。事实细节题。本段第二句话中的“odd spirit”指的就是下面的一句话“Being thin is deemed as such a virtue”。选项C)中的viewed与句中的deemed均指thought之意;desired quality恰恰就是virtue的解释。

  Most systems are basically identical.The differences come in hardware—the way the computer accepts the driver’s request for directions and the way it presents the driving instructions.On most systems, a driver enters a desired address, motorway junction or point of interest via a touch screen or disc.But the Lexus screen goes a step further: you can point to any spot on the map screen and get directions to it.(2000年1月第23题)

  Q:Despite their varied designs, navigation computers used in cars.

  A) are more or less the same price

  B) provide directions in much the same way

  C) work on more or less the same principles

  D) receive instructions from the same satellites






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