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来源:新东方 2006-12-16 13:07:52 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场






Dear friends,


I’m writing to you, on behalf of the student union, to ask for help for our schoolmate, Li Ming. He’s seriously ill and has to have a lung transplant at once. To make things worse, he comes from the west of our country, which means that his family is quite poor.


Li Ming is now confronted with the following difficulties. To begin with, he can’t afford the medical expenses. His family doesn’t have a good financial background and moreover, his parents have already borrowed a lot of money to send him to university. In view of their low income and severe financial situation, we hope you can show our sympathy. In addition, his family is far away and he needs someone to take care of him day and night instead of his parents who are thousands of miles from here. Only under careful care can our friend recover from his disease.


On no account can we see our friend suffer without giving him a hand! He’s in desperate need of your help, especially in financial donations to help pay his expenses. Anyone who wants to offer help can contact us at 55780063 or you can email us by john@sohu.com. Please!






Chairman of the Student Union



第一段,        作者开门见山,直接把最后两个要素在第一段就标明,即生病的是学生,要代表学生会――“on behalf of the student union, to ask for help for our schoolmate”。然后,用两句话就说清病情和家庭情况。并且用了一个较少能见的链接短语“To make things worse”。

第二段,        列举困难直接把中心句放在段首,本段的基本结构可以这样认为:“Li Ming is now confronted with the following difficulties.”+ To begin with”+“moreover”+“In addition”。并且,使用比较地道的短语be confronted with. 一般来说,短语优先原则是一个比较好的策略。本段中,尽管作者很少使用从句,但并列句和短语的使用是较多的,“a lot ofIn view offar awaytake care ofrecover from”。

第三段,        首尾属于传统事务信函的套路。两层意思,一是呼吁捐助,二是联系方式。呼吁捐助的段首句采用倒装,使文章的句式有了不少变化。尽管全文的从句量不多,但句式变化多,如并列句、倒装句、无主句。并且全文的短语使用较多且地道。




Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Rising Divorce Rates in China. You must base your composition on the following graph and outline (given in Chinese)






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