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第四单元     结尾段的写作


结尾段:There is enough evidence showing how invalid the certificate is in evaluating the overall abilities and qualities of an applicant and therefore, we should consider many other facets of an applicant’s qualifications rather than feeling satisfied with just the paper certificate.
结尾段:In my opinion, a balance of these two kinds of activities might be more useful to those who live in retirement. In other words, physical activities are necessary for good health but intellectual recreation provides the most pleasure.

结尾段:On the whole, as a pernicious hobby, smoking will do you more harm than good. For your own health, please keep away from smoking.

结尾段:However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a clear world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.

结尾段:Not until then did I understand the meaning of the proverb, “Helping others is the source of happiness.”

结尾段:In spite of what we hear, to the contrary, modern doctors deserve the money they earn. If we consider the cost and time of years of schooling they must coop with, the time required as an intern doctor, the cost of equipment they must purchase, and the long hours spent in their offices, is it appropriate they be paid well for their time, knowledge and skills?

Therefore, to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country’s reforms and economic development. We should_______________________

Therefore, listening and spoken English abilities must be consciously improved. Since the two abilities are such important means of learning and communication, why_____

Later risers may find it very hard to get into the habit of early rising. They ought to make special effort to do so. As the English proverb says, “_____________________

Once mastered, English is useful in many ways. You can read English books and other publications; you can talk to a native speaker; you can write a letter to your friend, etc. You can even pay a visit to France or Russia even though you don’t know French or Russian, since English___________________________________________________

第五单元     写作词语运用技巧

(a)、These congresses are an ideal opportunity for the presentation of the latest development and the promotion of the new products and services on the market.
(b)、These congresses are an ideal opportunity for presenting the latest development and promoting the new products and services on the market.

(a)、The reduction of membership fees for all partners will become a reality next year.
(b)、Membership fees will be reduced for all partners next year.

(a)、The intensification of our efforts during the year is for the improvement of our overall communication.
(b)、We intensified our efforts during the year to improve our overall communication.

(a)、There is often 15 or 30 minutes to be saved by taking one route rather than another to reach the same destination.
(b)、Often 15 or 30 minutes can be saved by taking one route rather than another to reach the same destination.


A letter was sent to Bob.
A letter was sent from Bob.
A letter was sent for Bob.
A letter was sent by Bob.


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