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  The World Is Getting Smaller and Smaller by abc_girl

  Nowadays, science and technology have rapid improvement.

  ( Nowadays, science and technology are developing at an incredible speed. )

  That dominates our daily lives, which makes us feel that the world is getting smaller and smaller.

  (Fruits of their development began to dominate our daily lives, giving us a feeling that the world is becoming ever-smaller.)

  Currently, the forms of communication are altering day and night as corresponding techniques improving. There are a variety of ways to communicate coming out behind people’s growing requisition.

  (As technology is fast advancing, a variety of communications tools have sprung up to meet people’s growing needs.)

  Mobile telephone, Internet and visual telephone, which belong to high technical instrument, are frequently and widely combined with our lives.

  (Mobile phone, Internet and visual telephone—sophisticated communications devices—are being integrated into our lives.)

  For instance, we are able to connect with Internet, and then function the concerned software, such as ICQ and MSN, to contact others we request to get in touch with.

  (For instance, we are able to surf the net and chat online. The information we try to find and the people we try to get in touch with seem to be only clicks away.)

  Visual telephone is a new style of updated phone, which can transmit voice signal and visual signal simultaneously.

  Synchronously, the traffic vehicle are also coming to be more and more popular.

  (In the meantime, our means of transportation have undergone tremendous changes as well and autos have rolled into millions of households. )

  Plane, high speed train and high speed shuttle bus are diffused for us.

  (Plane, high speed train and high speed shuttle bus are becoming increasingly popular.)

  We spend half of original time, even less than that, from one place to another via modernized traffic implement and system.

  (It is now taking us much shorter time than before to go from one place to another via modernized traffic systems. )

  Above phenomena reveal that the world is getting smaller and smaller, and universal people are getting closer and closer attribute to the increasingly sophisticated science and technology.

  (The above phenomena reveal that the world is getting smaller and smaller, and people worldwide are getting closer and closer thanks to the fast-developing science and technology.)
