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您现在的位置: 考试吧(Exam8.com) > 英语四六级考试 > 学习资料 > 英语六级 > 听力 > 正文


英语六级听力除去技巧部分,大多数同学的问题基本集中在三点:1. 生词多;2. 速度快;3. 音变频繁。为了提高广大考生听力能力,考试吧精选了以下听力讲义:


  1、约人肯定约不到 make an appointment (约医生)


  come up 突然来临

  reschedule 重新安排时间

  fit me in 安排


  run out of coin 硬币用光

  cut off 通话被中断

  hang up 挂断电话

  receiver 听筒

  hook 挂钩

  telephone book 电话簿

  yellow pages 电话簿

  yellow press 色情出版物

  dial the number 打电话


  look up the number in the telephone;

  pick up the receiver;

  drop the coins in the slot 投币孔;

  dial the number you wanted.


  A) She was afraid she might be kept too late.

  B) She would have something more important to do.

  C) She had to meet a friend of hers.

  D) She was not in the mood to attend the party.

  W: Hello, Steve. This is Susan. I’m afraid I won’t be able to come to the party. I was just asked to go to a meeting.

  M: Do come after your meeting, Susan. Our party won’t be over until midnight.

  Q: Why did the woman say that she could not join in the party?

  注:be in the mood to do sth. 愿意做某事,有这种心情做某事


  A) To write a check.

  B) To find a telephone number.

  C) To ring up somebody.

  D) To check the telephone service.

  W: I’m sorry, but the number you are dialing is not in service.

  M: But that’s impossible. I just spoke to him this morning. Could you please check it for me?

  Q: What is the man trying to do?

  注:operator 接线员


  A) The woman is being interviewed by a reporter.

  B) The woman is asking for a promotion.

  C) The woman is applying for a job.

  D) The woman is being given an examination.

  M: Now, I'm going to start off by asking you a difficult question. Why would you like to get this post?

  W: Well-first of all I know that your firm has a very good reputation. Then I've heard you offer good opportunities for promotion for the right person.

  Q: What do we know from this conversation?






  1、信息来源:newspaper 报纸: classified ad. 分类广告, help and wanted section 供求关系版

  bulletin board公告板

  flier 传单



  4、面试:携带证明 identification、证书 certificate;确定你是否有资格qualification (be qualified for some post; be up to 胜任);推荐信 reference letter

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