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1. 校园生活场景
1) 借书:
book for reading assignment;
check out;
check for sb;
on the upper shelf;
a book hard to identify/ is missing;
has been misplaced

2) 教授和学生关系:学生问老师问题;学生寻求老师的帮助;学生询问老师对作业的意见;老师要求学生对论文打印错误等
do research for;
work as one's teaching assistant;
trouble a professor;
may I ask you a few questions;
I have a class at ten;
come in one's office hours;
finish reading one's research report;
revise (improve) some parts of it;
get it published;
read some papers he recommended;
correct all the typing errors in a paper;
read it through again;
check the paper for typing errors

2. 家庭生活场景
1) 外出活动(看电影、逛街、参加晚会):
go to the movies;
go out for dinner;
see a different type of movie for a change;
be tired of movies about romantic stories;
love stories;
detective stories;
royal theatre;
I'm starving;
what to wear to the party;
cannot afford something new;
attend a party;
all of the clothes look so old;
And with our student discount;
the tickets will be a real cheap;

2) 外出旅行
the holiday is well soon be here;
be on the plane;
it is exciting to travel by air;
fly somewhere for one's vacation;
we'll have another fine day;
let's go to the seaside;
leave very early;
set off early;
go sightseeing;
take a half day tour of the city;
spend more time on sightseeing;
get to the airport in time to catch the flight;
get one's flight changed;
switch to a different flight

3) 家居生活、休闲:
sit out in the backyard to enjoy the beautiful day;
there is a lot of laundry to do;
wash clothes;
why did sb. call;
pick up magazine she learnt;
get some magazines back;
paint the house;
have the house painted;
climb the ladder;
go home for the summer;
count the days;
on one's way home;
pack for the summer vacation;
the apple pie taste very good/delicious;
even my mother cannot match this;
have a look at the book I bought;
bought out the bookstore;
bought a lot of books;
a large selection of books

4) 在家请客:
ask sb. to the party;
know one's address;
invite Tom to the party;
get the Johnson's address;
call to tell him about the reception

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