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  主要问题是一个简单句出现了两个或多个谓语,或者用动词作句子的主语或宾语, 或者句子关系结构混乱等


  例1:In ordinary speech, a person of culture is the individual
  can speak another language - the person who is familiar S5.______
  with the arts, music, literature, philosophy, or history.

  例2:There are backward towns on the edge of Bombay or
  Brasilia, just as though there were on the edge of S3._______
  seventeenth-century London or early nineteenth-century Paris.

  例3:When the wedding is gathered by the altar, the bride and
  groom exchange vows. Fllowing the vows, the couple
  exchange rings. Wear the wedding ring on the forth finger of ________
  the left hand is an old custom.
  解析:本句的主语是动词短语Wear the wedding ring on the forth finger of the left hand,但动词本身不能做主语,只有用其相应的动名词形式才能做主语,所以将wear改为wearing


  1.Except for relatively isolated trouble spots like present-day
  Somalia, and occasional years of good harvests, the world’s
  food crisis has remained just around the corner. Most experts
  believe this can continue even as if the population doubles by ________
  the mid-21st century, although feeding I0 billion people will not
  be easy for political, economic and environmental reasons.
  2. With collections expand, with the needs and funtions of __________
  museums change, empty space has become a very precious __________
  3.This modern treatment will cure leprosy in 6 to 12 months,
  depend on the form of the disease. _________
  4.Cloth-making, though a domestic industry in the esrly years,
  had the characteristic of capitalist production separated the ____________
  employer from the employee and in troduced the division of labor.
  5. Here are a few ways to avoid end up on the reject pile. ______________
  Print your CV on good-quality white paper.
  CVs with flowery backgrounds or pink paper will
  stand out for all the wrong reasons。


  Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did to heaven, for 1.______
  He was a brisk, lovely young hunter. She abandoned her residence
  at Olympus and took to the woods, where she dressed
  herself up like a huntress and kept the youth companion all day 2.________
  long. With him she roved through bushy grounds and groves and
  over hills and dales, cheering hounds and pursuing game of a
  harmless sort. They had a great time together. However, she
  warned him many times to chase wild beasts like lions and 3.________
  wolves, but the young man just laughed at the idea.
  One day, after warning him thus, she left to Olympus in 4.________
  her chariot. Quite by chance Adonis" hounds found a boar, that 5.________
  roused Adonis to enthusiasm. He hit the beast with a dart, and 6.________
  the boar, turning on him ,buried its white tusk deep into his
  tender side and trampled him to death.
  When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,
  she burst into a passion of tears. Unable to wrest him back from
  the low world, she sprinkled nectar on Adonis" blood and 7.________
  turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower.
  Aphrodite was, therefore, still inconsolable. In grief and 8.________
  despair she flew to Zeus and implored him to restore Adonis to
  her. Though she had Zeus" sympathy, Hades was by no means
  prepared to comply with her request. After the much dispute a 9.________
  compromise was worked out under which Adonis was to spend
  half the year above ground with Aphrodite, but the rest six 10.________
  months in the Elysian Fields. Therefore, in spring time Adonis
  came back to the loving embrace of Aphrodite, but when winter
  came he had to return most reluctantly to Hades.



  1. as -> /
  这里应该表示“即使”的意思,所以去掉as,even if“即使,尽管”。

  2. expand -> expanding, change -> changing

  3. depend -. depending

  4. separated前加that
  此处separate后面应为定语从句,修饰capitalist production。此处定语从句缺少主语,需要加上引导词。

  5. end -> ending


  1. to → /

  2. companion → company
  keep sb. company是固定搭配,意为“与某人做伴”,companion与company是同义词,都是“伴侣”之意,但companion是可数名词,而company则不可数。

  3. times ∧ to → not
  warn sb. not to do sth. 是固定搭配,意为“警告某人不要做某事”。很多有“警告某人做某事”的说法,况且这里根据上下文知道Aphrodite常警告Adonis不要捕猎狮、狼一类凶猛的野兽。

  4. to → for
  leave for a place,意为“出发去某地”,介词用for不用to。

  5. that → which

  6. and → but

  7. low → lower做形容词用的low,有“地位低下”之意,但也常有“品质、道德”败坏之意,所以引申意常代替本意。这里lower world指的是“冥府,地下”,是和地下世界比较而言,因此较常用low的比较级形式。

  8. therefore → however

  9. the → /
  dispute是不可数名词,意为“争辩、讨论”。much dispute表示“大量争吵,讨价还价”,the完全不必要。

  10. rest → remaining
  rest表“剩下”时,可说the rest of… 或只说the rest,在这里说“剩下的六个月”是the rest of the year或the remaining 6 months。





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