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      Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods. Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature as a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television.
      Color blindness is a genetical caused condition in which a person can not detect all colors. A defect is more common in men than in women. (More than 4 out of every 100 men are color blind. ) Most color-blind people can see only two basic colors, they tend to confuse other colors, especially red with green. This impairment (损害, 缺陷) can bring in problems because many color-blind people do not realize whether their eyesight is defective. They have learned to use the color names when every- one else uses, but they are not aware that they did not see the colors that others see. There is a risk that their condition it may place them in danger. For example, if they confuse red and green, they may be able to distinguish traffic signals only from their brightness. Scientists believe that color blindness is an inherited genetic defect, and there is no cure for them.

      1. genetical → genetically
       本题为形容词、 副词用法错误。genetical为形容词, 不能修饰动词cause, 故应将其改为副词genetically。
      2. A → The
       本题为冠词用法错误。这里的defect指代上文提到的color blindness(色盲), 指上文已经提到过的事物时应该用定冠词the, 故应将A改为The。
       ● 句中的out of意为“从(若干)中”, 用法和in相同, 例如: Two out of/in five students are girls. 五分之二的学生是女孩。
      3. ∧they → and
       本题为缺漏错误。此处逗号前后是两个完整的句子, 且属于顺承关系, 故中间需用and连接。
       ● 句中tend to do sth. 意为“倾向、 趋于做…”, tend to sth. /sb. 意为“照料, 注意”, 例如:She tends to go to bed earlier during winter. 她冬天常睡得比较早。‖I have to tend to the children before I go out. 出去前我得照看这些孩子。
      4. in → about
       本题为介词用法错误。本题属于介词搭配意义的混淆。bring in意为“挣得, 引进”; bring about意为“导致, 致使”。此处意思应为“这种缺陷会导致问题出现”, 故应将in改为about。
      5. whether → that
       本题为连词使用错误。句子是一个明显的宾语从句, 故应该用that引导。
      6. when → that
       本题为关系代词使用错误。本句为定语从句, 用来修饰names, 故应该用that引导。
      7. did → do
       本题为时态错误。短文通篇采用的是一般现在时, 故应将did改为do。
      8. it → it
       本题为多余错误。从句中的it多余, their condition may place them in danger已经是一个完整的句子, 故应删去it。
      9. from → by
       本题为惯用搭配错误。distinguish后面接from和by都有“区别”之意, 但distinguish A from B意为把A从B中区别开; distinguish A by B意为由B来区别A。根据短文意思, 此处应该是由交通信号灯的亮度来区别是红灯还是绿灯, 故应将from改为by。
      10. them → it
       本题为逻辑衔接错误。此处的代词指代的是color blindness, 为单数, 故应将them改为it。