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来源:新东方 2008-11-21 9:11:27 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  A shocking study reflects the tremendous gap that exists regarding global warming. On the one hand are the scientists, who with few 1 think climate change is very serious and needs to be 2 with immediately and ambitiously. On the other side is the public, which 3 believes that climate change is real and worries about it, but which rarely ranks it as a high 4 . A 2007 survey by the U.N. Development Programme found that 54% of Americans 5 taking a "wait and see" approach to climate-change action - holding 6 on the deep and rapid cuts in global warming that would immediately 7 their lives. As a result, we have our current 8 : a steady drumbeat of scientific evidence of global warming's 9 and comparatively little in the way of meaningful political action.

  Carbon 10 would need to be cut drastically from current levels. Yet almost all of the subjects in scientists’ study failed to realize that, assuming instead that you could 11 carbon concentration simply by 12 carbon emissions at their current level. That's not the case - and in fact, pursuing such a plan for the future would 13 guarantee that global warming could 14 out of control. It may seem to many like good common 15 to wait until we see proof of the serious damage global warming is doing 16 we take action. But it's not - we can't "wait and see" on global warming 17 the climate has a momentum all its own, and if we wait for decades to finally act to reduce carbon emissions, it could well be too 18 . Yet this simply isn't understood. Someone as smart as Bill Gates doesn't seem to get it. "Fortunately climate change, although it's a huge 19 , it happens over a long period of time," he said at a forum in Beijing last year. "You know, we have time to work 20 it." But the truth is we don't.

  1. A. conceptions B. receptions C. exceptions D. deceptions

  2. A. familiar B. dealt C. compatible D. complied

  3. A. increasingly B. decreasingly C. gradually D. definitely

  4. A. position B. occasion C. priority D. situation

  5. A. advocate B. provocation C. invocation D. vocation

  6. A. up B. off C. with D. out

  7. A. compact B. inflect C. impact D. reflect

  8. A. dilemma B. circumstance C. difficulty D. status

  9. A. sense B. selection C. severity D. separation

  10. A. commission B. remission C. omission D. emission

  11. A. utilize B. stabilize C. specialize D. fertilize

  12. A. covering B. capping C. constraining D. detaining

  13. A. virtually B. eventually C. vitally D. appropriately

  14. A. stun B. stint C. spin D. string

  15. A. sensibility B. sensitivity C. sense D. sensation

  16. A. when B. as C. after D. before

  17. A. although B. because C. even D. and

  18. A. early B. late C. latter D. earlier

  19. A. chance B. change C. challenge D. chase

  20. A. for B. in C. to D. on

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