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  UNIT1 In Another World

  Here I am, in China, half way around the world from home. As I look at my clock and calculate the time back home .I realize that half a world away, people are busy getting ready for a wedding.

  The bride is my niece, a person I first met when she was three days old.

  I think back to the first time I had the opportunity to become __1__ niece. As my sister cradled her in her arms, the infant girl clasped

  her mother's outstretched finger.

  My __2__told me that her temperament would be a sunny __3__, a joy to people around her.As she grew, the cute little girl had an __4__

  laugh that started as a small grin, then became a giggle and grew louder and louder until it triggered a response from all the people around her and they joined in.As an adolescent, she studied hard and enjoyed welldeserved success in secondary school as she interacted with her peer group. After receiving her high school diploma, she chose nursing as her career. From the beginning of the young couples romance,


  The couple had an engagement party when I was at home in Canada a few months ago. The party was in the form of a picnic in a beautiful rose garden. To celebrate and to toast their future, we drank champagne. As they posed under an arch covered with climbing roses,we snapped pictures for their photo album.The couple decided on a fall wedding. Plans for the wedding day were activated immediately. The decisions about the forthcoming event were shared by the whole family. A close friend of the family was contacted and invited to sing a solo just prior to the ceremony.

  The day before the ceremony, a rehearsal would take place so that the remainder of the details could be looked after and attended to.

  The planning that takes place beforehand for one of these events and all the work that the big day __5__, with many people collaborating to make the event run smoothly, are immense.


  I can imagine the excitement and emotions of the family today.

  The time is near. The ceremony will begin in 3 short hours.


  She will wear her grandmother's pearls as an __6__. Her veil will be the same one as her cousin wore last year. As is customary, under her she will wear a blue garter. As part of the tradition of Canadian weddings, she will be wearing something old (the pearls), something new (her gown), something borrowed (the veil) and something blue (the garter). As the first __7__ of the wedding march are played (a melody familiar to all), the congregation will rise. Gasps will be heard as they catch a glimpse of the bride in her __8__ wedding gown. The mother of the bride will calmly view this whole event, though tears will __9__. She will be overcome with sentiment at her daughter's apparent happiness. The picture will be one that will __10__ hope for the future of humanity.


  1 be acquainted with

  l 与...相识

  They are acquainted with each other. 他们互相认识。

  l 了解

  He is already acquainted with the facts, so you needn’t to conceal.


  l 同义参见:conversant accustomed

  2 intuition

  n. 直觉,直觉的知识

  l 词形变化



  He takes his ground on intuition他的意见是凭直觉。

  Known or perceived through intuition.天生的凭直觉知道或感知的

  3 desposition

  l n. 处理,处置权,支配权;布置,配置,安排;性情,禀性,意向,倾向

  l He is gloomy of disposition and sullen of temper all day. 他整天郁郁寡欢

  4 Infectious

  a. 有传染性的,易传染的

  l 词形变化



  l Flu is highly infectious.流感的传染性很强

  5 entail

  l vt. 使必需,使蒙受,使承担,遗传给

  n. 限定继承权



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