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1. As the final exam is next week. I will take advantage of the day off to _____ on my English.

        A. brush up B. make up C. hurry up D. pick up

        2. It is well know that the retired workers in our country are _____ free medical care.

        A. entitled to B. involved in C. associated with D. assigned to

        3. There is a strong public ______ on the question of unemployment.

        A. response B. sentiment C. affection D. sympathy

        4. The desperate doctors _______ every possible drug into him with a view to saving his life.

        A. projected B. rejected C. infected D. ejected

        5. Some pieces of gold coin rate have ______ together in the blaze.

        A. softened B. melted C. dissolved D. fused

        6. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply _______.

        A. declined B. lessened C. descended D. slipped

        7. Of the thousand of known volcanoes in the world, the ____ majority are inactive.

        A. tremendous B. demanding C. intensive D. overwhelming

        8. His writing is so ______ that we can't clarify his ideas in first reading.

        A. obscure B. objective C. obliging D. obstacle

        9. The _____ of energy and money on the launching of the rocket is surprising.

        A. exhaustion B. expenditure C. allowance D. ownership

        10. He gave his ______ for new marketing procedures.

        A. representations B. presentations C. comments D. memoranda

        11. If you decrease the _______ of alcohol in his solution, it would be less dangerous.

        A. part B. portion C. section D. share

        12. He has pointed out the dangers ______ in this type of nuclear power station.

        A. interior B. inherent C. inside D. inner

        13. Schools are ______ if they are staffed by people who only know about schools.

        A. disadvantageous B. inferior C. faulty D. handicapped

        14. One third of the Chinese in the V.S. live in California, _______ in San Francisco.

        A. dominantly B. perpetually C. predominantly D. practically

        15. He lifted the heavy weight, but it was the greatest _____ he had ever made.

        A. strength B. force C. effort D. energy

        16. When light illuminates an object, part of it is absorbed and part reflected, the _____ lightness of an object depends on the proportion of light that is reflected.

        A. denoted B. embodied C. insulated D. perceived

        17. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will ______ through the cultural law system in Japan.

        A. permeate B. probe C. violate D. elaborate

        18. Many pare metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other ________ .

        A. bruises B. blunders C. handicaps D. drawbacks

        19. Here is _______ of our product. You can take it home and try it.

        A. an example B. a sample C. a model D. a specimen

        20. The lawyer advised him to drop the ______, since he stands little chance to win.

        A. event B. incident C. case D. affair


        1. 答案为A. A. brush up:复习 B. make up:构成,弥补,编造 C. hurry up:赶快 D. pick up:拣起,拾起

        2. 答案为A. A. be entitled to:对…享有权利 B. be involved in:被卷入,陷入 C. be associated with:与…联系在一起 D. be assigned to:分配

        3. 答案为B. A. response:反应,答复 B. sentiment:意见,情绪 C. affection:喜爱,热爱 D. sympathy:同情,怜悯

        4. 答案为C. A. project:计划,规划 B. reject:抛弃,拒绝 C. infect:注射,打针 D. eject:逐出,驱逐

        5. 答案为D. A. soften:变软 B. melt:使融化,溶解 C. dissolve:分解,溶解 D. fuse:(金属)熔化

        6. 答案为A. A. decline:下降,减少 B. lessen:(数量、程度)减少 C. descend:(位置)下降 D. slip:滑倒

        7.答案为D:A. tremendous:巨大的 B. demanding:要求高的 C. intensive:加强的,集中的 D. overwhelming:压倒的,势不可挡的

        8. 答案为A. A. obscure:晦涩和,难懂的 B. objective:客观的 C. obliging:乐于助人的 D. obstacle:障碍

        9. 答案为B. A. exhaustion:用光,用尽,疲惫 B. expenditure:花费 C. allowance:津贴,补贴 D. ownership:所有,所有人

        10.答案为B. A. representation:陈述,叙述(指对某种艺术形式,如绘画、小说、雕塑等主题表现的阐述) B. presentation:讲述,描驸,演出 C. comment(on): 对…的评论 D. memoranda:备忘录

        11. 答案为B. A. part:部分 B. portion:部分,比例 C. section:(切割、分离成的)部分,如指书、文章的某一部分 D. share:分享,分担的一部分

        12. 答案为B. A. interior:内部的 B. inherent:固有的,与生俱来的 C. inside:在内部的,同内部的 D. inner:内部的,里面的

        13. 答案为D. A. disadvantageous:不利的 B. inferior:次等的 C. faulty:有毛病的,有错误的 D. handicapped:有缺陷的

        14. 答案为C. A. dominantly:有统治权地,占优势地 B. perpetually:永久地 C. predominantly:主要地,占多数地 D. practically:实际地,几乎

        15. 答案为C. A. strength:力量,力气 B. force:力,外力 C. effort:努力 D. energy:精力

        16. 答案为D. A. denoted:所指的 B. embodied:体现出来的 C. insulated:绝缘的 D. perceived:觉察到的

        17. 答案为A. A. permeate:遍布,渗入 B. probe:探查,查究 C. violate:违反 D. elaborate:详细说明

        18. 答案为D. A. bruises:青肿,擦伤 B. blunders:疏忽,愚蠢的 C. handicaps:残疾 D. drawbacks:弊端,缺点

        19. 答案为B. A. example:例子 B. sample:样品 C. model:类型,型号 D. specimen:标本

        20. 答案为C. A. event:(重要、有意思或不寻常)事件 B. incident:事故,事件 C. case:案例,病例 drop the case 撤诉 D. affair:事物,事件
