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  ONE: INTEGRATION of Tourism into Overall Policy for Sustainable Development, through: Regional and National Strategies: to balance tourism with broader economic, social and environmental objectives, and integrate it into sustainable development plans.

  Interagency Coordination and Cooperation: to improve the management and development of tourism between different departments.

  Interagency Management: to coordinate the allocation of land uses, and use of other resources, and to regulate inappropriate activities that damage ecosystems.

  Reconciling Conflicting Resource Uses: to identify and resolve conflicts between tourism and other activities at an early stage, by involving all relevant stakeholders in the development, and effective implementation of sound management plans.

  TWO: DEVELOPMENT of Sustainable Tourism, through: Planning for Development & Land-use at sub-National Level: to conserve the environment, maintain the quality of the visitor experience, and provide benefits for local communities.

  Environment Impact Assessment (EIA): to anticipate environment impacts by undertaking comprehensive EIAs for all tourism development programs.

  Planning Measures:to ensure that tourism development remains within national and local plans for all types of activities,by implementing effective carrying capacity programs, planning controls and management.

  Legislative Framework: to establish standards for land use in tourism development, tourism facilities, management and investment in tourism.

  Environment Standards: to improve environmental quality, to set targets for reducing pollution from all sectors and to prevent development in inappropriate areas.

  Regional Approaches: to establish common models for incentives, environmental policies, and integrated tourism development planning at regional level.

  THREE: MANAGEMENT of Tourism through: Initiatives by Industry:

  to promote sustainable tourism and to give local communities a share in the ownership and benefits of tourism; and use and promotion of

  eco-efficiency and cleaner production

  environment management systems and environment sound technologies(EST) for tourism and associated infrastructure.

  Compliance Mechanisms: to provide incentives, monitor compliance, and to enforce regulations and standards where necessary.

  Monitoring: to detect problems at early stage and to enable action to prevent the possibility of more serious damage.

  FOUR: CONDITION FOR SUCCESS,through: Involvement of Stakeholders: to increase the long-term success of tourism projects by involving all stakeholders in the development and implementation of tourism plans.

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