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  7. 投诉信

  March 15, 2005

  Dear Sir,

  I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.

  After we used it for several days, we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly. When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15 degrees centigrade, far from the standard temperature range from zero to nine degrees centigrade.

  This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

  Yours faithfully,

  Xiao Yan

  (1) 投诉信(抱怨信、批评信)是写信人向收信人表示不满的信函。写信时,要注重事实,做到客观、真实,不能掺杂主观因素;说理时,要讲究策略,有理有节;提出解决方案时,应合理合法,公平公正,尽量争取双赢的结果。




  (2) 常用套语


   I am writing to complain about/that…

   I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with…

   I would like to lodge a complaint regarding...

   It is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with…


   I will appreciate it very much if you could…

   I would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly…

   I trust you will take my complaints seriously and…

   I would like to have this matter settled by the end of…


  May 15, 2005

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am Li Li, a regular customer of your department store. I am writing to express my extreme dissatisfaction with the service in your store.

  The focus of the complaint is the poor service of a saleslady at the shoe department. Two days ago I intended to buy a pair of shoes, but no one served me. To my surprise, I found 3 salesladies sitting behind the desk, talking. They just ignored my existence. When finally one of them came, she went to the length of complaining about my interrupting their talk. I was so amazed that I decided to buy my shoes elsewhere.

  I trust you will take my complaints seriously so as to attract more customers, as I do think there is still much room for improvement on your service.

  Sincerely yours,

  Xiao Xiao

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