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  Life & Economy

  Play an important role in our fast-developed society/everyday life

  Boost the local economy

  Increase the government revenue, earn foreign currency and improve the living standard of the locals

  Relieve the pressure of unemployment

  nExpose them to the outside world, widen their vision and develop a broader mind

  nImprove the living environment and better the basic facilities.

  nIncrease investment in infrastructure

  nAs a tourist attraction, boost the local tourism

  nGenerate tourist dollars by attracting people for a visit

  Culture & Education

  Play an important role in education

  Keep/maintain/retain culture

  Enrich our knowledge and widen our horizon

  Enhance mutual understanding,remove hostility and prejudice, promote good will or friendship and strengthen ties

  nMaintain world peace

  nShow the brilliant culture and glorious history

  nPromote cross-cultural communication

  nImprove the image of a place

  nIncrease reputation and update the status in the international community

  Save & Waste---time and money

  Save (waste)time and energy

  Save (waste)money/space

  Economical, frugal, frugality

  Prudent, prudence, inexpensive

  Costly, time-consuming, lavish,extravagant,extravagance

  Convenience & Efficiency

  Convenient, convenience, efficient, efficiently, efficiency

  save sb a lot of time and energy

  Inconvenient, inefficient

  Safety & Danger

  Safe, safety, safely, in safe,

  Danger, dangerous, endanger, in danger, risk, hazard, hazardous

  Health (body & soul)

  Independent, in one’s own right, make decisions by oneself, take responsibility for themselves,cooperate, compete, competent, sincerity,honesty,team spirit, considerate/thoughtful, confident, ambition

  Creativity,tolerate,mental/spiritual/psychological health, sociable, perseverance, deal/cope with problems by themselves, solve problems by themselves, Health, physical health, disease, strong,strength,energetic,

  nOverhearing, arrogant, selfish,conservative,isolated

  nCultivate, foster, develop, encourage, enrich, improve,enhance

  Well-being & Worry

  Colorful, pleasure, joy, recreation,entertain, leisure time, interesting, relax


  Experience & lessons

  Social experience

  Enter the society

  Draw lessons from

  Ethics & Morality










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