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  答案:[A卷昂立  新东方  文都   恩波  B卷]   在线估分

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  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations .At the end of each conversation. One or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a parse. During the parse. You must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.


  11.A)He has proved to be a better reader than the woman.

  B)He has difficulty understanding the book.

  C)He cannot get access to the assigned book.

  D)He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline.

  先从预览选项上看,A可以首先排除,后三项都在说有困难做某事/不能怎样,而A明显与后三不搭,再根据男女原则,the man也不可能是比这个女人更好的阅读者。听录音,关键词BUT, 明显是考察转折关系的变化,关注BUT 后的部分,是全题的提问关键。

  12.A)She will drive the man to the supermarket.

  B)The man should buy a car of his own.

  C)The man needn’t go shopping every week.

  D)She can pick the man up at the grocery store.

  A&D基本说的是一个意思,都是这个女人开车载这个男人到某处(宾语可以关注,同时也可预测到这是个开车去购物的场景题);注意男人的I’d be happy to 和女人的why don’t … 成鲜明对比,主要考察反问句式

  13.A)Get more food and drinks.

  B)Ask his friend to come over.

  C)Tidy up the place.

  D)Hold a party.

  首先预览选项可以推断出这是个和朋友开聚会的场景题(因为要准备吃的喝的,邀请朋友和收拾房间),但是听时较难,不易听出。主要听关键词和句,第一句男人的mess in here和后面女人的you’ll be doing most of today可判断出正确答案。考察听关键词和句然后判断

  14.A)The talks can be held any day except this Friday.

  B)He could change his schedule to meet John Smith.

  C)The first-round talks should start as soon as possible.

  D)The woman should contact John Smith first.

  首先B选项可以排除,按照“办事情不顺利原则”B明显不是正确答案。“schedule”的发音虽然不熟悉,但是我相信在预览选项时考生们应该注意到了这一点,能够较易听出;本题考察了other than (除了)和 one day is as good as the next(哪天都一样)的短语搭配结构,注意as good as 连读了。

  15.A)He understands the woman’s feelings.

  B)He has gone through a similar experience.

  C)The woman should have gone on the field trip. (应该继续)

  D)The teacher is just following the regulations.

  应用了虚拟语气“if I were you”这同样也表达了男人的观点,考察虚拟语气的建议句型

  16.A)She will meet the man halfway.

  B)She will ask David to talk less.

  C)She is sorry the man will not come.

  D)She has to invite David to the party.

  又是考察转折关系的题, 注意BUT后就是此题的关键,答案往往就在BUT后,而且注意到the woman重读了insist, 更是此题的重中之重。

  17.A)Few students understand Prof. Johnson’s lectures.

  B)Few students meet Prof. Johnson’s requirements.

  C)Many students find Prof. Johnson’s lectures boring.

  D)Many students have dropped Prof. Johnson’s class.

  看到选项中的lecture\ Professor\student 就能判断是学校场景中跟教授讲座有关的题目

  18.A)Check their computer files.

  B)Study a computer program.

  C)Make some computations.

  D)Assemble a computer.

  依然是出现了转折性词BUT, 但是BUT 后较难听出答案,反而是第一个人的话能比较容易听出:put a computer together before (Assemble a computer=组装电脑),这句和D选项基本吻合,吻合程度越高的选项成为正确选项的可能性就越大;再听Q是问这两个说话者在谈论什么,所以第一个人的话就可以判断出答案了


  Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  这个人初入职场,以谈话的形式在讲述他的第一份工作。注意对话的首尾,各出了一题:开头3轮对话回合都在谈论the man 的工作时间长短问题“①What sort of hours do you work?\Well I have to work very long hours, about 11 hours a day;②What time do you start?\I work 9 to 3~~~;③And do you have to work at the weekend?\ Yes, that’s ~~~”; 结尾出现了和选项相符的短语“Attention to detail”。20题A选项可以直接排除,这是个明显的体力工作,几乎没有脑力、智力方面的工作;B选项显然概括不全,因为他除了在厨房洗刷的工作外,还有别的陈述;C选项压根没有提及这种情况,所以D选项是概括出的正确答案

  19.A)It allows him to make a lot of friends. (这个it 肯定是使这个人往好的方面发展了)

  B)It requires him to work long hours.

  C)It enables him to apply theory to practice.

  D)It helps him understand people better.

  20.A)It is intellectually challenging.(后三项说体力上的工作,A项说是智力上的挑战,A可直接排除)

  B)It requires him to do washing-up all the time.

  C)It exposes him to oily smoke all day long.

  D)It demands physical endurance and patience.

  21.A)In a hospital.

  B)At a coffee shop.

  C)At a laundry.

  D)In a hotel.

  22.A)Getting along well with colleagues.(B\C\D都是对这个工作的感受或心得;A指的是人际关系,)

  B)Paying attention to every detail.

  C)Planning everything in advance.

  D)Knowing the needs of customers.

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