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  Passage Three

  Despite the presence of workaholics, there is a growing realization in the United States that too much work demand can be physically and mentally hamp3ful. Many people have been rebelling against the work ethic, saying that no job is so important as to damage personal relationships and rob people of relaxation. There has been a shift in values, with more emphasis being given to personal relationships and relaxation. Leisure time provides opportunities to find personal satisfaction and freedom from the routine of work.

  Increased leisure time in the United States has not altered the idea that work and play are distinct activities. This distinction is clear-cut; there are “work-hours” and “afterwork-hours”. There is a belief that it is desirable “to work hard and play hard” and undesirable to combine the two. In many offices, stores, and factories socializing among employees is discouraged. An employee under pressure at work often cannot afford to respond to social calls and visits. However, the amount of personal contact on the job depends on the nature of the work. There may be more social interaction between teachers in a school than between scientists doing independent research. Nevertheless, work and play are usually perceived and maintained as separate activities.

  Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  32. What is the result of too much work demand?

  【解析】选[C]。本文开头就说too much work demand can be physically and mentally hamp3ful(工作量过大在体力上和脑力上都是有害的),即[C]。

  33. In order to rebel against the work ethic, what do many people believe now?

  【解析】选[B]。文中claiming(宣称)即表明人们是这样认为(believe)的,no job is so important as to...表明工作并不是最重要的,人们应该多注意与人的交往和放松自己,即[B]。

  34. What do people expect an employee under pressure at work to do?

  【解析】选[B]。这个例子出现在to work hard and play hard这个概念被引出之后,文中原话说:处于工作重压下的职员是不能进行社交拜访活动(意即休闲)的,与[B]表达的意思是一样的。

  35. What does the speaker imply by saying “the distinction is clear-cut”?

  【解析】选[A]。文中clear-cut一词出现前有work and play are distinct (不同的) activities,之后又出现了work-hours and afterwork-hours和 to work hard and play hard等词句,均说明美国人认为工作和休闲是截然分开的。

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