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a, 教师与学生



textbook, course, subject, homework, assignment, test, quiz, tuition, school record(成绩单),credits(学分),registration, quit school, term paper, thesis(毕业论文),band(乐队),Students’ Union, gymnasium, homecoming(校友聚会), dormitory, teaching building,do research for ,professor, semester, work as one’s teaching assistant, assistance, assist, trouble a professor, may I ask you a few questions, I have a class at ten, come in one’s office hours, finish reading one’s research report, revise (improve) some parts of it, get it published, read some papers he recommended, correct all the typing errors in a paper, read it through again, check the paper for typing errors等。

b, 图书馆管理员与学生


library, book for reading assignment, magazine, periodical, fiction, reading room, library card, library catalogue(图书馆的图书目录), loan desk(借书处), journal, reference book, stacks(书库), shelves, renew, due(到期的), overdue(过期的),close, open, weekend, weekday, check out, volume two (ten), check for sb., borrow, one the upper shelf, a book hard to identify/ is missing, has been misplaced 等。

c, 营业员与顾客


on sale, bargain, price, out of style(老式), fashion, ready-made(成衣), cloth pattern(花纹,图案),tip, cash or charge(付现金还是记账),department store, cashier, supermarket, daily necessities, check-out stand(付款柜台), receipt, shop assistant, salesman, clerk等。



seasoning(调味品), menu, wine, drink, food, snack, banquet-tray(餐盘), paper napkin(纸餐巾), go Dutch(各自付账),receptionist, service counter, a single room, a double room, customer, manager, boss, well-done(全熟的), underdone(半熟的)等。



hospital, doctor, nurse, patient, operation, ward, physician, medicine, surgery, hospital register’s office(挂号处), outpatient department(门诊部), emergency department(急诊部), to suffer from, to give an infection, to give first-aid treatment(急诊)等。




blood pressure, cough, fever, a headache, pills, tablets, take one’s temperature, take medicine, patient, doctor, nurse, dentist, a physical examination, physician等。



account, bank clerk, current account(活期存款帐户), check, service charge, cash  the cheque, saving/check account(储蓄/支票帐户)等。



hotel, motel, a single/double room, a suite, book a room, check in/out, register,   fill in a room, make a reservation, lobby, Room Service, reception, front desk, porter, tip等。

d, Railway station(火车站)


train, platform, passenger, check in/out, catch a train, miss a train, fail to catch a train等。

e, Bus station/stop(汽车站)


conductor, passenger, fare, next stop, the terminal station(终点站)等。

f,Airport or on plane(飞机场或在飞机上)


airliner, airlines, land, take off, flight, on board, boarding card, departure, arrival, destination, cancel a flight, delay, check in, luggage, fasten the safe belt, crew 等。

g, Library(图书馆)


librarian, assistant, call number, book, due, overdue, return, renew, borrow,        lend, latest issue, card, catalogue, fine(罚款), fiction, novel, magazine, bookshelf等。

h, Movie/Theatre(影剧院)


film, movie, play, show, drama, row, seat, be on (上演,上映),  performance, program, Shakespeare, Oscar, ticket, check in, The Twelfth Night等。 



department store, the grocer’s, drug store, shop, go shopping, market, on sale, sell well, size ,type, fashion, style, color, cost, price, counter, brand, cash, check, assistant, May I help you? What can I do for you? How much does it cost? Here you are. pay, buy, purchase, change(零钱), US dollars, Hong Kong dollars, pounds, shelling, penny等。



campus, department, dean, college, professor, teacher, student, tutor, lecturer, headmaster, principal, lecture, academic report, textbook, semester, examination, test, lab, required course(必修课), elective course(选修课), gymnasium, freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, undergraduate, graduate, post graduate, grade, bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, doctor’s degree等。



make a reservation, order(点菜), soft drink, wine, beer, brandy, whisky, dessert, salad, soup, bread, rice, noodle, potato, tomato, beef, meat, pork, chicken, mutton, pie,  roast, fry, steam(蒸), a dish, main food, menu, Help yourself, I’m full. cook, delicious, taste, smell, waiter, waitress, pay the bill, cash, go Dutch(各付各的帐)等。

l,Post office(邮局)


post, mail, postage, stamp, envelope, parcel, air-mail, EMS(Emergent Mail Service), registered mail, transfer(汇款), postcard, telegram, fax(facsimile), cable(电报)等。

m, Customs house(海关)


declare(报关), clear/clearance(清关), tariff(关税), pay duty on, duty free, fill in the form, article(物品), passenger, smuggling/smuggle, drugs, illegal, legal等。

n, Meeting(会议)


deliver a speech, preside, host, chairman/chairperson, conclude, propose, suggest, for, against, agree, disagree, reinforce, argue, debate, dispute, solution, decide/decision等。

o, Dance & party(舞会/聚会)


gather, together, DJ, disco, have a ball, dance with, music, band, dancer, singer, May I have the pleasure of next dance?等。

p, Gas station(加油站)


pull in/out, petrol, gasoline, fill in the tank, litre等

q, At home(家里)


housework, go to bed, retire to bed, housewife, sitting room, bedroom, washing room, do cooking, gardening, take a rest, in the garden等。

r, Court(法庭)


your honor, jury, judge, justice, case, counselor, recess, lawyer, witness, victim, proof, identity, suspicion, to be executed sentence(裁决), imprisonment, execution, laws, legal, illegal, defendant, complainant等。
