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  1.I have had great deal of

  2.I don’t mind your_____________(你延期做出决定) the decision as long as it is not too late.
  3.In the Chinese household, grandparents and other relatives_____________(起着不可缺少的作用) in raising children.
  4.Mark often____________________________(试图逃脱罚款) whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
  5.When I __________________(发现他骗我) I stopped buying thins there and started dealing with another shop.
  1.keeping up with the rest of the class.
  【超级句型】trouble可以用在句型"have trouble doing sth. " 做某事有困难"中,这时,trouble可以用difficulty来代替。
  【超级短语】keep up with意为“跟上……”,指并肩前进,并驾齐驱,不至落后、掉队。catch up with意为“赶上”,指从后边追上或改变落后状。;
  2.delaying making
  3.play indispensable roles
  【超级短语】play a part/role in起着……作用,饰演……的角色。
  4.attampts to escape being fined
  【超级单词】escape后面要接动名词形式。常与介词from搭配,如He has escaped from the fire.
  5.caught /found him cheating me
  【超级句型】find/catch+宾语+宾补,如I found him standing by the river.
  1.I suggested he ____________________ (使自己适应) his new conditions.
  2. What a lovely party! It's worth_________________( 牢记一生 ).
  3. If you won't agree to our plan,_____________________( 他们也不会同意 ).
  4. His remarks left me ____________________________( 想知道他的真实目的 ).
  5. If you had_____________________ ( 听从了我的劝告,你就不会陷入麻烦)
  1.should adapt himself to
  【超级句型】suggest作“建议”时,其宾语从句中要用虚拟句型"suggest that sb.(should)do sth.”结构;从suggest还可以联想到宾语从句中同样要用虚拟语气的相关动词如:insist,demand,order,ask,advise等。
  【超级短语】adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯于,其他搭配: adapt from 根据……改写/改编
  2.remembering all my life
  【超级单词】Be worth doing…/值得做某事,还有说法是worth sth. 如:He is worth the praise.
  3.neither will they
  【超级单词】neither表示“两者都不”, 表示"也"、"也不" 的句子要部分倒装。如:If you won't go, neither will I.
  4.wondering about his real purpose
  【超级单词】leave sb doing 让继续处于某种状态;leave sb to do sth 让某人干某事
  5.followed my advice, you would not be in trouble now.
  【超级句型】虚拟语气在if 引导的条件句中的用法
  从句:if + 主语+ 动词的过去式(be 用were) + ……
  主句:主语+ would (should, could , might) + 动词原形+ ……
  1.Though you stay in the sea for weeks, you will not____________( 失去联系 ) the outside world.
  2.The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence,_____________( 正在研制 ) and perfected now.
  3.How close parents are to their children_________________ __( 有很强的影响 ) the character of the children.
  4.The room is in a terrible mess; it _____________________ (肯定没打扫过) .
  5.With tears on her face, the lady _____________________ (看着他受伤的儿子被送进手术室)
  1.lose contact with
  【超级短语】lose contact with/lose touch with与……失去联系
  2.are being developed
  【超级句型】"be being done"现在进行时的被动语态表示此时此刻某事正在被做。其中动词be应随主语作相应变化。
  3.has a strong influence on/effect on
  influence指"通过说服、举例等对行动、思想、性格等产生不易觉察到的,潜移默化的影响",如:Influenced by a high-school biology teacher, he took up the study of medicine.
  effect指"实现"、"达成",着重"造成"一种特殊的效果,如:This book effected a change in my opinion. 
  4.can't have been cleaned
  【超级句型】"情态动词+have done"表示推测,must/can/may/might/could各用于不同句型中,must只用于肯定句中,can/could不能用于肯定句中,may/might不能用于疑问句中。can't表示不可能,may not表示可能不。如题中推测的为过去的事情,情态动词后则用完成形式。
  5.watched her injured son sent into the operation room.
  1.(这个计划成功的关键) ___________is good planning.
  2.The specific use of leisure______(每一人都不同)
  3.The ship ’ s generator broke down and the pumps____________________( 不得不用手工操作 ) instead of mechanically.
  4.Although punctual himself, the professor was quite used______________( 习惯了学生迟到 ) his lecture.
  5.I prefer to communicate with my customers ______( 通过写电子邮件而不是打电话)
  1.The key to the success of this project
  2.from individual to individual.
  【超级短语】不及物动词vary 的用法。搭配为:vary … from … to 各不相同。
  3.had to be operated manually
  【超级短语】have to通常指由于客观原因则不得不做某事,意思为“不得不”。 其否定形式意思是“不一定”或“没有必要”。
  4.to students’ being late for
  【超级句型】be used to+doing/noun,表示过去习惯于做某事。used to+do,表示过去有规律的习惯性动作或状态,而现在已不存在了。
  【超级短语】be late for,迟到。
  【超级句型】one’s doing,非谓语动词的复合结构。



  application form 申请表   assignment 作业   instructor辅导老师
  assessment (对学生的学习情况)评估   course arrangement 课程安排   credit 学分
  dean 导师   enrolment\register for 注册   oral examination 口试
  graduate school 研究生院   letter of recommendation 推荐信   participation 出勤
  postgraduate 研究生
  president 校长  required course\compulsory course 必修课   optional course 选修课
  score\mark 分数   school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院
  take an examination\sit an examination 参加考试   undergraduate 本科生


  cafeteria 自助小餐厅   call slip 索书单   campus 校园
  club 学生俱乐部   current account 现金帐户   current issues 本期刊物
  back issues 过期刊物   catalogue 目录
  deposit money in a bank 存钱   dining hall 食堂
  dormitory 宿舍   lecture hall 阶梯教室
  library card 借书卡   overdue and pay a fine 过期罚款
  renew (借书)续借   shopping mall\centre 购物中心
  society 学生社团   student union 学生会   withdraw\draw cash 取钱



  crash 撞车  amber light 黄灯   cross road 十字路
  drive without license 无证驾驶   excessive speed 超速  
  green light 绿灯  traffic jam 交通拥挤  narrow road 窄路
  red light 红灯
  parking place 停车场  speed limit 速度限制  traffic light 红绿灯
  traffic police 交通警察   traffic regulation 交通规则   zebra stripes 斑马线


  check-in 登记入住  check-out 结帐离开(退房)
  holiday resort 度假区  one-way ticket 单程机票
  place of sightseeing 游览胜地   room service 客房服务
  round-trip ticket 来回机票   sightseeing tour 观光旅游
  star-rated hotel 星级饭店   tour group 旅游团队
  tour guide 导游   travel service 旅行社
  vacation tour 度假旅游   tourist attraction 旅游胜地


  bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会  birth control 计划生育
  brain drain 人才外流  bubble economy 泡沫经济
  care for senior citizens 关心老年人  comprehensive national power 综合国力
  compulsory education 义务教育  computer crime 电脑犯罪
  divorce 离婚  dropout student 失学儿童
  economic globalization\economic integration 经济全球化
  education for all-round development 素质教育
  exam-oriented education 应试教育
intellectual property rights 知识产权
  juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 knowledge-based economy 知识经济
  laid-off worker 下岗职工
  migrant worker 民工  net friend 网友
  net citizen 网民  off line 下线
  online love affair 网恋
  people oriented\people foremost 以人为本
  pioneering spirit 首创精神
  preserve the ecological environment 保护生态环境
  prime time 黄金时段   puppy love 早恋
  rate of unemployment 失业率
  rural population 乡村人口
  self-protection awareness 自我保护意识
  self-service ticketing 无人售票
  shopping online 网上购物
  single parent family 单亲家庭
  surf the Internet 网上冲浪
  sustainable development 可持续发展
  team spirit 团队精神
  reduce study load 学生减负
  university students’ innovative undertaking 大学生创业
  virtual net 虚拟网络  win-win situation 双赢局面
  assistant president 总裁助理
  eliminate illiteracy 扫盲
  excusive agency 专卖店
  New Human Being 新新人类
  online trading platform 网上交易平台
  cost of living\income maintenance 生活费用
  advance with times 与时俱进


