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Unit 1

Nobel Prizes are awarded each year to people,    1    nationality, who have made valuable    2    to the “good of humanity”. In his    3   , the Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel directed that the income from his $ 9-million estate    4    to fund five annual prizes. The awards are given for the most important discoveries or inventions in the    5    of physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine; the most distinguished literary    6    of an idealistic nature; and the most effective work in the interest of international peace. The prizes were first    7    in 1901. A sixth prize the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences    8    Alfred Nobel ­— was first    9    in 1969. This prize was established by the Bank of Sweden and is    10    by the bank. In 1996, the    11    of each of the six prizes was about $1,100,000.

A candidate may not    12    directly for a prize. A qualified person must submit each name in   13  . For the literary prize, the Swedish Academy considers only works that    14    in print. The academy usually selects an author for his or her complete work    15    for one book. The organizations that award the prizes   16   15 deputies who    17    a board of directors. The board holds office for two years and    18    the funds. Prize winners    19   their awards on December 10, the    20    of the death of Alfred Nobel. Sometimes, prizes are not awarded or are awarded in a later year.

1. A) with respect to             B) in line with               C) with reference to  D) regardless of

2. A) deeds                          B) endeavor                  C) contributions       D)achievements

3. A) life                              B) will                          C) writing                D) dream

4. A) be used                       B) will be used              C) to be used           D)would be used

5. A) formats                       B) fields                       C) grounds              D) aspects

6. A) book                           B) art                           C) work                 D) piece

7. A) opened                        B) handed over              C) made                  D) presented

8. A) in memory of               B) by name of               C) in regard to                D) in name of

9. A) rewarded                         B) offered                     C) awarded              D) bestowed

10. A) represented                B) found                       C) named                       D) funded

11. A) value                         B) worth                      C) price                   D) merit

12. A) be valid                      B) be awarded               C) apply                  D) submit

13. A) English                      B) writing                     C) speech                            D) works

14. A) has opened                 B) has turned out          C) have appeared    D)have been known

15. A) either                         B) or rather                  C) instead                     D) rather than

16. A) appoint                      B) advice                     C) present                    D) persuade

17. A) make                         B) elect                        C) call                          D) choose

18. A) governs                            B) conducts                  C) administers               D) organizes

19. A) accept                       B) collect                      C) entertain                   D) receive

20. A) anniversary                B) birthday                   C) year                         D) centenary

Unit 2

People from different cultures sometimes do things that make each other uncomfortable without meaning to or sometimes without even realizing it. Most Americans have    1    been out of the country and have very    2    experience with foreigners. But they are usually friendly and open, and   3   meeting new people, having guests and bringing people together formally or    4   . They tend to use first names in most    5    and speak freely about themselves.    6    if your American hosts do something that makes you    7   , try to let them know how you feel. Most people will    8    your honesty and try   9   you uncomfortable again.   10   you’ll all learn something about another culture!

Many travelers find it    11    to meet people in the U. S. than in other countries. They may just    12  and introduce themselves or even invite you    13    before they really know you. Sometimes Americans are said to be    14    friendly. Perhaps it seems so, but they are probably just    15   . Just    16    anywhere else, it takes time to become    17    friends with people in the U. S.

If and when you    18    American friends, they will probably enjoy    19    you to their friends and family, and if they seem proud    20    you, it’s probably because they are, relax and enjoy it!

1. A) ever                         B) never                       C) often                D) sometimes

2. A) few                      B) a few                       C) little                  D) a little

3. A) dislike                  B) avoid                       C) hate                  D) enjoy

4. A) informally             B) intimate                    C) incompetently    D) indirectly

5. A) occasions             B) situations                  C) moments           D) instant

6. A) And                   B) So                           C) But                   D) Meanwhile

7. A) at ease                  B) comfortable              C) pleasant            D) uncomfortable

8. A) confirm                B) praise                       C) appreciate         D) criticize

9. A) not let                  B) letting                      C) not to make              D) to not made

10. A) Thus                  B) Then                        C) And                  D) But

11. A) easier                  B) harder                      C) happier             D) simpler

12. A) come to                     B) come through           C) come up with    D) come up

13. A) over                   B) at                                   C) in                     D) round

14. A) naturally             B) superficially              C) heartily             D) extremely

15. A) killing time          B) having a good time    C) enjoying            D) enjoying himself

16. A) as                      B) different                   C) like                   D) unlike

17. A) real                    B) true                         C) actual               D) loyal

18. A) live with             B) stay with                  C) stay away from D) are helpful to

19. A) inviting               B) introducing               C) lead                  D) being acquainted

20. A) to recognize        B) to have known          C) of recognizing   D) of knowing

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