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  Passage Two

  Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  30. [A] The meaning of facial expressions depends on situations.

  [B] Facial expressions can cause misunderstanding across culture.

  [C] People from one culture may lack facial expressions because they experience less emotion.

  [D] Facial expressions may disguise true feelings.

  31. [A] They smile to cover embarrassment

  [B] It is an unusual and even suspicious behavior.

  [C] They smile to show politeness.

  [D] It is an expression of pleasure.

  32. [A] We shouldn't judge people by reading their faces.

  [B] We shouldn't smile in the wrong place.

  [C] We shouldn't cover our true feelings.

  [D] We shouldn't express our emotions too openly.

  Passage Three

  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  33. [A] In 1938. [B] In 1946. [C] In 1955. [D] During World War II.

  34. [A] It reflects commercial interests.

  [B] It is a fashionable professional event.

  [C] It is an essential affair for international cinema.

  [D] It is more concerned with the art of film than with financial interests.

  35. [A] It is awarded to the best film of the festival.

  [B] It was introduced in 1959.

  [C] It was introduced by a commercial organization.

  [D] Only American directors have received this award.

  Section C

  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.

  Taking your dog on vacation may have been (36) ________ a decade ago, but today it's free.

  (37) ________ the pet-friendly hotel, where dogs are just part of the family, the Loews Miami Beach has had more than 1,200 (38) ________ guests so far this year. Dogs, like kids, stay free there.

  A lot of people just want to travel with their animals, so the hotel (39) ________ guests to come with their pets. The hotel has a special (40) ________ for them from the time they enter the door till the time they leave.

  There are fresh grapes by the pool for the discerning dog and a cup of ice cubes for the hot dog. And don't forget the special doggie dinner menu. The hotel kitchen (41) ________ to canines as well as their masters. The most popular dog dish is a (42) ________ of beef, vegetables and rice. It's really great. (43) ________, the people food is even better.

  (44) ________________________. Some of them don't have children, and the dogs may fill that gap for them. (45) ________________________. But what pet wouldn't want to be welcomed back to a welcome meal that includes an all-beef hamburger bone?

  (46) ________________________.

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (25 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words on Answer Sheet 2.

  Questions 47 to 51 are based on the following passage.

  Wild ducks and other migratory(迁移的) birds could be important carriers of deadly bird flu, researchers say. Even so, the infectious-disease experts say there is no solid basis for killing wild birds to protect poultry and minimize the risk of human infection.

  The European team investigating the global spread of the H5N1 strain of avian influenza(禽流感)says certain duck species may be infecting wild bird populations. Geese and wading birds are also possible vectors(带菌者)of the virus, the team says.

  The team's study was led by Björn Olsen of Umea University in Sweden. Olsen runs Europe's largest wild-bird flu monitoring program.

  Studies have shown that influenza viruses in lake water, generally passed via bird feces(粪), can stay infectious for up to 30 days. The migration or feeding behavior of dabbling ducks could at least partially explain the spread of the H5N1 strain of bird flu, the researchers add.

  This group of duck species includes mallards, teal, pintails, and others that feed at or near the surface, where viruses in water are most likely to be picked up. Perhaps as a result, dabblers have the highest known rates of avian influenza infection, the study says. For instance, nearly 13 percent of mallards tested positive for bird flu. Other species tested include the American black duck (18.1 percent), blue-winged teal (11.5 percent), and northern pintail (11.2 percent).

  However, bird flu viruses appear to exist in ducks in a low-pathogenic form, meaning infection doesn't usually lead to severe illness and death.

  "Dabbling ducks are for sure the prime hosts for low pathogenic viruses," said study co-author Ron Fouchier, a virologist at the Erasmus Medical Center in Rotterdam, Netherlands. "But the big question is, how much of our knowledge about these viruses can we translate to high-pathogenic viruses such as the H5N1 strain of bird flu?"

  In poultry avian viruses can mutate(变异)into more virulent influenza strains, including H5N1. If this mutated virus then finds its way back into wild populations, the birds could then spread the disease through migration.

  Some scientists have argued that wild birds infected with HN51 would be too ill to migrate. Swans, for instance, appear to be particularly vulnerable to the strain. "Swans apparently drop dead quite easily, but they are unlikely to be the vector because they are not going to fly very far if they are dead," Fouchier said.

  But the study team says that some birds that have been purposely infected for the sake of research show that wild birds can survive H5N1. "For some reason H5N1 has adapted so it no longer kills dabbling ducks," Fouchier said. This means the ducks may be able to spread the virus over a wide area.

  The study team says migratory geese may also be vectors, because they often graze in huge flocks, a practice that could encourage transmission.

  Migrating ducks, the researchers add, "could provide an intercontinental bridge" for bird flu to North America, which has not yet had any known cases of H5N1.

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