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来源:恩波 2008-12-3 14:43:49 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  Passage Two

  Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

  “Self-Reliance,” by Ralph Waldo Emerson, has influenced the way I view the world and myself. This work has had a profound effect on me. It concentrates on the powers of positive thinking and careful decision-making. I believe that decision-making is one of the most important aspects of life. Since my thoughts and viewpoints will carry me throughout life, it is important that I should be confident in the decisions I will make and the viewpoints I will possess.“Self-Reliance”has made it evident to me that in order to obtain the best results from my decisions I have to trust in myself.

  Through reading this work I learned that the only way I can accomplish my goals and prevail in this world is to be confident in myself. Emerson said, “To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men that is genius.” I realize that in the future I will interact with many different people who will disagree with my views. Therefore, I have to be confident in myself in order to accept criticism and remain focused on my goals. With self-assurance I will be able to view the world realistically and overcome any disappointments.

  “Self-Reliance”also influences the way I view myself. I have come to the realization that ultimately I can only depend on myself in many situations. “None but he knows what he can do, nor does he know until he has tried.”I also realize that I will make mistakes but I will learn from them. However, I must not dwell on past mistakes. Instead, I should focus on confidence for future decisions. I learned that I am the key to my success. My success will depend on my persistence, intelligence and self-assurance.

  Emerson has helped to elevate my confidence. I now have the ability to trust my own judgment. I do not worry about what others think of my views. I have learned to voice my opinions with confidence and clarity. Also, I should learn from and accept criticism without choosing the alternative, abandoning my views and relying on the views of others. “Your genuine action will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing.” I am now able to confront my future.

  “Self-Reliance” has influenced the way I view the world and myself. After much thought, I have found strength and confidence in myself and I hope to utilize these qualities in making wise decisions in the future.

  57. In the first paragraph, it can be inferred that Ralph Waldo Emerson holds the view that .

  A) one should have confidence in oneself but not in others

  B) one should trust in oneself and have confidence in one’s own decisions

  C) one should do things without partners or companions

  D) one should live away from one’s parents

  58. What does the work “Self-Reliance”concentrate on?

  A) The power of positive thinking .

  B) The most important ways to live one’s life more happily.

  C) The importance of careful decision-making.

  D) Both positive thinking and careful decision-making.

  59. What does the author think is the only way to succeed in this world?

  A) Interacting with different people. B) Focusing on the goals.

  C) Being confident in oneself. D) Viewing the world realistically.

  60. What has the author come to realize according to Paragraph 3?

  A) She herself is the key to her own success.

  B) She will never make mistakes again.

  C) She must dwell on past mistakes.

  D) She shouldn’t always rely on herself.

  61. What is the main idea of the passage?

  A) We should disagree with others if we want to succeed in the future.

  B) We should accept others’opinions if we want to prevail in this world.

  C) We should voice our opinions with confidence and clarity.

  D) We should be confident and self-reliant if we hope to be successful.

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