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  The Great Household Spider Safari

  There are just over six hundred different sorts of spider in the British Isles. But of these only a handful are commonly found in houses. At the front of the head are a pair of what appear to be small legs. These are called palps and are used to guide food to the spider's mouth. The front of the head also has a group of six or eight eyes. On the underside of the body at the rear, are four or six small conical bumps or cylinders. There are the spinnerets from which the spider produces the silk to make its webs.

  Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by looking at their palps. Males have swollen ends to their palps which makes them look as if they are wearing boxing gloves, these are often strange shapes if looked at with a hand lens. Females have normal looking palps that are not swollen at the ends.

  The largest spider is the Goliath spider, the female of which grows to reach a leg span of ten inches. The largest spider in Britain is the Cardinal spider which is a close cousin of Tim Tegenaria. Females can achieve a leg span of four and a half inches. It is known as the Cardinal spider as it was common in Hampton Court when Cardinal Wolsey lived there. The sight of these long legged spiders wandering around the palace at night used to frighten him. So far 32000 different kinds of spider have been discovered from all over the world. Britain has 630 different kinds of spider of which 250 are tiny Money spiders. The smallest of which has a body less than one millimeter long.

  1.All the silk produced by spiders construct webs to catch their food

  2.Not all the poison glands possessed by spiders are dangerous to human beings.

  3.Spiders often kill humans in Britain when they pierce human skin.

  4.After seeing her enemy commits suicide, Arachne turned Athena into a spider.

  5.TimTegenaria spiders are closely related to tarantula spiders; both are found in Britain.

  6.So far32000 different kinds of spiders have been discovered from all over the world.

  7.Money spiders are the smallest spiders found in the Arachnids family.

  8.There are more than known species of spider in the world.

  9.Telling male and female spiders apart is easily done by .

  10.The largest spider is

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was side. Both the conversation and questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

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