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来源:考试吧Exam8.com) 2010-9-27 17:37:11 考试吧:中国教育培训第一门户 模拟考场

  ● 在用UML 对系统的静态用例视图建模时,使用用例图可以对系统的( 61 )建模,还


  (61). A. 关联 B. 消息 C. 行为 D. 语境

  ●《计算机软件保护条例》规定,软件著作权人享有_(62)_ 。

  (62) A. 发表权 B. 开发者身份权

  C. 发表权和开发者身份权 D. 发表权和修改权

  ●OMT 定义了三种模型来描述系统。_(63)_可以用状态图来表示;_(64)_可以用数据流图来


  (63)A.对象模型 B.功能模型 C.动态模型 D.类模型

  (64A.对象模型 B.功能模型 C.动态模型 D.类模型

  (65)A.对象模型 B.功能模型 C.动态模型 D.类模型

  ●What's multimedia?The answer is neither simple nor easy. Multimedia is the combination of

  computer and video technology. Multimedia really just two media sound and pictures, or in today's

  term, audio and video. Multimedia itself has its binary aspects. As with all modern technologies, it

  is made from a mix of hardware and software, machine and ideas. More importantly, you can

  conceptually divide technology and function of multimedia into control systems and information.

  The enabling force behind multimedia is digital technology. Multimedia represents the

  convergence of digital control and digital media---the PC as the digital control system and the

  digital media being today's most advanced form of audio and video storage and transmission. In

  fact, some people see multimedia simply as the marriage of PCs and vides.

  (66) A) combination B) packet C) unit D) integration

  (67)A) decimal B) octal C) binary D) hex

  (68)A)system B) hardware C) device D) platform

  (69)A)high B) digital C)advanced D)magic

  (70)A)publish B) release C) promulgation D) transmission.

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