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C++之父Bjarne Stroustrup列举的C++应用:

Amazon.com:Software for large-scale e-commerce

Apple: OS X is written in a mix of language, but a few important parts are C++. The two most interesting are

AT&T:The largest US telecommunications provider.
o provisioning systems
o systems for rapid network recovery after failure

Autodesk: A large number of major number of application in the CAD domain

Ericsson:o server platform.
o GSM-TDMA-CDMA mobility gateway

Google: web search engine, etc。

HP: Here is a tiny fraction of HP's C++ apps:
o C, C++, Fortran90 compilers, and linker for the new HP IA64 platform (these add to more than 1 million lines of C++ code).

IBM: o OS/400.
o K42: a high performance, open source, general-purpose operating system kernel for cache-coherent multiprocessors.

Intel:o Vtune performace analysis software
o compilers and optimizers
o lots of chip design and manufacturing software

JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA): Mars rover autonomous driving system (incl. scene analysis and route planning). C++ on Mars! Also lots of supporting software "on the ground" (i.e. Earth).

Microsoft:o Windows XP
o Windows NT (NT4 and 2000)
o Windows 9x (95, 98, Me)
o Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook)
o Internet Explorer (including Outlook Express)
o Visual Studio

Mozilla: Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail client (open source)

MySQL: MySQL Server (about 250,000 lines of C++) and MySQL Cluster. Arguably the world's most popular open source database

Nokia: o Mobile Communications radio-station/internet bridges: FlexiGGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node) and FlexiSGSN (Server GPRS Support Node).

Sun: o The HotSpot Java Virtual Machine is written in C++

Symbian OS: rationale: "[...] using C++ for all system code, from the kernel upwards." This is one of the most widespread OS's for cellular phones

KDE from linux is written in C++.

telephone systems: I think it would be almost easier to list the systems which aren't written in C++

